Why Should I Be Part of a Small Group at Fellowship?

You may be asking this same question. “Why?” What good will it do me? It sounds too risky.” Many ask these questions. So what follows is an outline of five reasons why. Our hope is that you will choose to be a part of our Small Groups@Fellowship.
Life is busy…there is no question about that. Small groups is an opportunity to help us
slow down and meaningfully connect with those around us. Following Christ was never
intended to be a solo enterprise. We need one another. All the way through the New
Testament there are over 50 “One Another” statements…like “Love one another…” “Serve
one another…” “Carry one another’s burdens…” “Forgive one another…” Small groups help us to know one another and to be known by one another. All true relationships are based on a mutual knowledge of each another. So getting to know each other is a key part of a small group. It strengthens community and it deepens the fellowship
Small groups help us connect to one another!
Wherever you are in your spiritual journey…small groups will help. You may be a young, new believer seeking to get established in your newfound faith, small groups are perfect for your growth. You may even be someone who is spiritually inquisitive, small groups are a safe place to investigate the claims of Christ.. Or, on the other hand you may be a seasoned believer, having walked with Jesus for many years, your experiences and maturity is for the assistance of others.
Small groups help you to know Christ better!
Spiritual growth does not happen automatically. It requires intentional effort. In fact the Bible says that each one of us fights against three things: The world…the Flesh and the Devil. The good news is that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. So…this means that as Christian believers we have the presence of the Holy Spirit of God Himself within. He helps us to trust God and to believe and understand the Scriptures. And He also gives to us the power to believe and rely upon Him. This means that we have everything we need to grow in Christ…but it is not automatic. God desires us to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus…to desire the pure milk of the Word so that we may grow by it. This growth is also called sanctification. This is an old Latin word meaning to “set apart”, to “consecrate”, “to make holy”. In fact, “sanctification” means holiness…becoming like the God who called us, who reconciled us and who saved us to Himself. Knowing the Bible, God’s Word…helps us to grow in Christ. The more we know of Him and what He has done to reconcile us to Himself helps us to exercise faith in what He has said. Small groups helps us to put God’s Word into practice. Too often we think knowing the Word is sufficient. It is not…we must also put God’s Word into practice. This is where the value of small groups come in. Each of us is learning how to follow and obey the Word of God. We share mutual encouragement and yes even accountability to put God’s Word into practice in our lives.
Small groups are designed to help you grow!
Serving can actually be a scary word for some. We know that Jesus came to serve…not to be served…so following in His footsteps…we too, intentionally choose to serve. Service is a broad word…it covers everything from what we do on a Sunday morning inside the church but it also extends outside the church. Each small group will be challenged to be outward in their thinking…to seek to serve one another but also the Church as a whole and also the community. This may take on the form of doing a service project together, sometime during the time commitment. It doesn’t have to be every week.
Small groups provide opportunities to serve!
Oh boy, you may already be cringing as you read this…or breaking out in a cold sweat…but the fact is…we are called to…pray for one another. The challenge for every small group at Fellowship will be to spend a certain amount of time sharing prayer requests and then diligently praying for them together as a small group. Prayer requests may come from the group members or they may share church wide prayer requests. The desire is that we truly share and pray about these items, bringing them before the Lord to do His work.
Small groups is an opportunity to pray for others and to be prayed for!
Life is busy…there is no question about that. Small groups is an opportunity to help us
slow down and meaningfully connect with those around us. Following Christ was never
intended to be a solo enterprise. We need one another. All the way through the New
Testament there are over 50 “One Another” statements…like “Love one another…” “Serve
one another…” “Carry one another’s burdens…” “Forgive one another…” Small groups help us to know one another and to be known by one another. All true relationships are based on a mutual knowledge of each another. So getting to know each other is a key part of a small group. It strengthens community and it deepens the fellowship
Small groups help us connect to one another!
Wherever you are in your spiritual journey…small groups will help. You may be a young, new believer seeking to get established in your newfound faith, small groups are perfect for your growth. You may even be someone who is spiritually inquisitive, small groups are a safe place to investigate the claims of Christ.. Or, on the other hand you may be a seasoned believer, having walked with Jesus for many years, your experiences and maturity is for the assistance of others.
Small groups help you to know Christ better!
Spiritual growth does not happen automatically. It requires intentional effort. In fact the Bible says that each one of us fights against three things: The world…the Flesh and the Devil. The good news is that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. So…this means that as Christian believers we have the presence of the Holy Spirit of God Himself within. He helps us to trust God and to believe and understand the Scriptures. And He also gives to us the power to believe and rely upon Him. This means that we have everything we need to grow in Christ…but it is not automatic. God desires us to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus…to desire the pure milk of the Word so that we may grow by it. This growth is also called sanctification. This is an old Latin word meaning to “set apart”, to “consecrate”, “to make holy”. In fact, “sanctification” means holiness…becoming like the God who called us, who reconciled us and who saved us to Himself. Knowing the Bible, God’s Word…helps us to grow in Christ. The more we know of Him and what He has done to reconcile us to Himself helps us to exercise faith in what He has said. Small groups helps us to put God’s Word into practice. Too often we think knowing the Word is sufficient. It is not…we must also put God’s Word into practice. This is where the value of small groups come in. Each of us is learning how to follow and obey the Word of God. We share mutual encouragement and yes even accountability to put God’s Word into practice in our lives.
Small groups are designed to help you grow!
Serving can actually be a scary word for some. We know that Jesus came to serve…not to be served…so following in His footsteps…we too, intentionally choose to serve. Service is a broad word…it covers everything from what we do on a Sunday morning inside the church but it also extends outside the church. Each small group will be challenged to be outward in their thinking…to seek to serve one another but also the Church as a whole and also the community. This may take on the form of doing a service project together, sometime during the time commitment. It doesn’t have to be every week.
Small groups provide opportunities to serve!
Oh boy, you may already be cringing as you read this…or breaking out in a cold sweat…but the fact is…we are called to…pray for one another. The challenge for every small group at Fellowship will be to spend a certain amount of time sharing prayer requests and then diligently praying for them together as a small group. Prayer requests may come from the group members or they may share church wide prayer requests. The desire is that we truly share and pray about these items, bringing them before the Lord to do His work.
Small groups is an opportunity to pray for others and to be prayed for!